Items for sale
Browse a selection of pre-loved spinning, weaving and dying items
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If you wish to sell an item please send an email to the secretary with a clear photograph item as a jpeg image, a brief description including the price and your contact details as you would like them to appear on the website. Items will be displayed for three months before review.
Written by Alison Daykin and Cath Snape with additional input from Amanda Hannaford and Jane Deane.
Hilary Waters is selling this wheel for the mother of a friend. There are three bobbins included.
This wheel is made from Yew and is a Double Drive type. Lovely for expanding your collection!!
An Ashford 20" Rigid Heddle in New Condition , includes :
Loom and Bag, all parts as supplied when new
Instruction book.
Extras - 2 more Heddles, 2nd heddle kit, extra rigid heddle book…
Gabriella Falk at gf@gabriellafalk.co.uk tel 01643851266 has a wheel, lazy kate and carders plus tapestry beaters, shuttles, bobbin winder, hand dyed rug wools and an industrial sewing machine for sale in addition to several books please see July Newsletter for details.
Tina Geary is selling this wheel and associated bobbins, spindle and carders as a single lot. The wheel is unknown in origin but is in working order and is adaptable to spin wool or flax £100 or nearest offer. (Note the wool/fleece shown in the image is not included). tinageary@hotmail.co.uk tel 07936 380993.
Mandy Stead is selling this wheel. It’s a Westbury double drive band. Along with integrated lazy Kate and four bobbins. She says “its a great little wheel. I have spun many different fleeces on it”. She is asking for £130.
email steadnet@aol.com